Reality about a downloading updates

Downloading updates is a important from all kinds of Operating System platform like Windows,
and Linux. The expectation is, they can update the newest or revise version patches of a application that installed in your Operating System. Security update in terms of security reason, additional functionality in terms of the directory, root of a files of application.

It is important and necessary on downloading the updates but be carefull on what you trying to download the updates. Because there was a cause that can affect in your application that installed in your operating system. It can be infected and it can be the cause of a possible error on running your application. Like for example, the application that use in a virtualization windows that need to have a multiple users to connect to the server. Virtualization windows application cannot accept the windows updates like KB2984972 and KB3003743. This kind of updates is also concern with the user auto login.  Application like virtualization windows can encountered the error with this updates in Windows. Because it cannot allowed to login the multiple user account to the server if this updates is exists on your system.

When downloading updates, just make it sure to research first the functionality of the updates before to download and install it in your system because it can be a bad thinking that maybe it cause by a virus or malware that is why it cannot run your application but the error is the updates that you've been downloads.


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